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Sponsor: Icebreaker

If your like us and are total outdoor gear nerds, then you would already know about Icebreaker. These guys make the most amazing thermals known to man kind! They use only pure merino wool from sheep high up in the Southern Alps of New Zealand. This means that instead of that itchy, course woolen thermals like your grandmother used to make you, there is now a silky smooth layering system of Icebreaker themals for even the most extreme conditions.

We'll be taking mostly Icebreakers from the new IcebreakerGT range, which has a more technical high performance shape and 3% lycra for a better fit. This stuff is awesome, and we've noticed that as Icebreaker becomes a more global brand and more and more people are finding out about the wonders of Icebreaker - their clothing is getting more and more stylish for a wider variety of people which means we can wear our Icebreakers almost 24/7. It doesn't matter if we're caving, kayaking or heading down for a cold one at the pub... we know we'll be doing it in style. It's seriously good quality stuff that we would trust our lives to.

Visit the Icebreaker website: http://www.icebreaker.com.

What's all this talk of an expedition?

What it's all about

3-min lead-up video clip

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© 2007 Chris Bray & Clark Carter