Established by famous Aussie adventurer and entrepreneur Dick Smith, this company has become an Australian Icon.
AUSTRALIAN MADE and AUSTRALIAN OWNED - Dick Smith Foods are made in Australia by Australian owned companies. We believe this is important because it provides employment for Australians and all the profits remain here, helping the future of our country.
Dick has a keen sense of adventure, having undertaken many successful expeditions of his own, and he also founded the Australian Geographic Society. Through his company Dick Smith Foods, Dick generously supported our 2005 arctic expedition, as well as our 2008 continuation!
In July 2005, two young Aussies Chris Bray and Clark Carter plunged inside the Arctic Circle to travel unsupported across Victoria Island, the world's ninth largest and largely unexplored island. After 58 days of hauling, paddling and dragging 250kgs of gear behind them in their home-made aluminium kayaks with fold-down wheels, they were only 1/3 the way across! It was such an incredible adventure though - including wolves, polar bears, artefacts, blizzards and unseen landscapes - that they vowed to return. After two years of prep, The iiNet 1000 Hour Day Expedition set of in 2008, and finished what they started.
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