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Chris dreaming about The Best Job In The World - Click for full-size.

So since returning home from the arctic and finishing up our Aussie lecture tour, Clark and I have been pretty busy, including one thing that I'd really like your help with!

Clark, as you can see HERE, has re-done his website www.ClarkCarter.com, which now features his upcoming attempt to row solo across the Indian Ocean in 2011 (He and housemate Ryan Storey were going to be rowing it this year as you might remember, but the current economic downturn resulted in one of their major sponsors pulling out..)

I cycled right around Tasmania with my girlfriend Jess, and then I went down to Antarctica as a guest photographer / lecturer / field guide for three weeks aboard the luxury cruise ship Orion which was pretty incredible. Mind you, all those gourmet buffet dinners and lunches, and nowhere to go for a run afterwards... yikes!

I've also delayed my next expedition (www.BountyBoat.com - re-enacting captain Bligh's epic 4,000 mile open boat voyage from Tonga to Timor) due to one of our base managers needing back surgery, so this trip will now be going ahead next April, 2010.

So this left me with a full year 'off' to do whatever I wanted! It almost felt like finishing school again - waking up thinking "Hmmm.. what to do today?" Of course that feeling lasted a few hours, before I'd already overcommitted myself with projects to get stuck into. Writing articles left right and centre about the arctic, cycle touring etc to try and drag myself out of debt from the arctic, I'm working on the 1000 Hour Day Expedition book, Clark and I are going to edit together the doco film hopefully in time for the inaugural 'Tasmanian International Adventure Film Festival' in September, and the Dijon International Adventure Film Festival (Oct), - so keep your ears out for that one! I'm also setting up a photography business and will be running 1-day workshops / courses etc around Australia soon (www.ChrisBray.net), and for the fun of it, I applied for 'The Best Job In The World' - a 6-month 'Island Caretaker' job created by Queensland Tourism to be paid $150,000 to live in a luxury house on Hamilton Island and basically spend my days exploring the islands, snorkelling The Great Barrier Reef and so on, reporting back to the media and doing online blogs / photo diaries every week to share the experience! Not bad!

Almost 35,000 people applied for the job (which involved submitting a 60-second video clip application), from 22 countries around the world. Applications closed a few weeks ago, and somehow, to my enormous excitement, I have just been told that I made it to the top 50 shortlist! Over the next few weeks, Queensland Tourism will select 10 of us to be flown - along with one wildcard entry based on the number of popular votes their video application receives online - to Hamilton Island for face to face interviews...

So you've already guessed what I'm going to ask you to do huh? That's right. If you could PLEASE spare a moment to vote for my video application online at www.IslandReefJob.com/chris , that would be awesome and I'd really appreciate it. You all know I'm good for it – and will write interesting, entertaining blog updates, take good pics and I'll try and imagine what Clark would have done to take great video footage too.. =)

I believe applicants are also selected on how much media exposure they receive about the job over the next few weeks (such a cunning marketing ploy!), so if you're in the media... I'd be more than happy to sell my soul and send photos, do an interview, whatever it takes.. haha =)

Global Marine Networks provides the satellite email software xGate for all our expeditions. Check it out, it's awesome!Landwide Satellite Solutions provides us with our Iridium 9505A satellite phones & accounts, as well as data adaptors that let us send and receive emails on our Eee PCs via satellite! Sat phones are amazing, and Landwide is the place to get them!We are using the awesome new ASUS Eee PC 900's on this expedition! Solid-state, less than 1kg, Windows XP, perfect!

Our live expedition updates are written on our tiny ASUS Eee PC 900 laptops, and sent via Iridium 9505A satellite phones from Landwide Satellite Solutions, using email compression software xGate from Global mareine Networks! Thanks guys - it's the perfect set up!

4th Mar 09 - Margaret - commented:

Hi Chris. Just voted for you. Hope you are still having a wonderful time with all your projects.
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12th Mar 09 - Frith Campbell - commented:

Good luck! My vote is in!!
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5th Mar 09 - ian - commented:

You've got my vote! you made a great effort to help us all be captivated by your adventure. Photos and commentary went so well together. Best of luck!
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5th Mar 09 - Wendy - commented:

Hope this is where I vote ! Good Luck!!!! Cheers W
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4th Mar 09 - arian - commented:

you have my vote!
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4th Mar 09 - France - commented:

Couldn't think of a better person for that job, well, except Clark maybe :)
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3rd Mar 09 - Phil Morellini - commented:

When did you come to WA? Why didn't I know about it? I never received an email. Bugger! I wouild have liked to be there.
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3rd Mar 09 - Wayne Heffernan - commented:

Hey Chris, consider it done Mate. After following your "ICE TRIP" and speaking to you about bikes, you have the vote Mate. On the understanding that if you win, when Claire and I are up your way on our bikes that you put us up!! Deal....
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3rd Mar 09 - Merike Johnson - commented:

your news brightens my day. Please keep me on your list.
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3rd Mar 09 - Doug Telfer - commented:

I saw the above comment about running courses and workshops around Australia soon and went to your website to read details. Maybe I missed it but I couldn't find any reference to that topic..? I read your latest blog from cover to cover and found a small reference to you having been in Dianella WA recently. I didn't hear or know anything about a proposed visit to WA so I missed out on that too. When you were just back from Victoria Island, you said you would be visiting WA and would let us know any details in due course. Did I miss some announcement in a format different to your normal newsletter because I certainly devour them from cover to cover, as I said. I have supported your job application, not that I think you will need it given the quality of your own submission. Keep up the news please. Best wishes Doug Telfer
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3rd Mar 09 - Rachel - commented:

Hey - just voted for you. GOOD LUCK!!!
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2nd Dec 15 - Rachel - commented:

Mar31Abbey OH My goodness! If Miles' piutrce wasn't obviously retro looking (I can say that, 'cause I'm older)I would have his photo was Simon. Sarah does that to me sometimes looking a LOT like Todd, but then I'll look at her and unmistakably see me too Gotta love how God blends parents into children Thanks for the hint on the blog reader too!
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2nd Dec 15 - Bingi - commented:

ந சவ ல ய ல ஈட படவந த த வ ரவ த என ற ப ல ந டகம நடத த ய அந ய யம க க த ச ய த ட ல ல ஸ ப ஷல ப ல ச ன ச யல க ற த த த ச ய ப லன ய வ ஏஜன ச வ ச ரண நடத த உள ளத .ல ய கத த ன க த :என .ஐ.ஏ வ ச ரண நடத த ம !25 Mar 2013 NIA may be asked to probe militant ltaagyih arrestப த ட ல ல :ஜம ம -கஷ ம ர அரச டம சரணட ய வந த ஹ ஸ ப ல ம ஜ ஹ த ன ப ர ள ல ய கத த ட ல ல ய ல ந சவ ல ய ல ஈட படவந த த வ ரவ த என ற ப ல ந டகம நடத த ய அந ய யம க க த ச ய த ட ல ல ஸ ப ஷல ப ல ச ன ச யல க ற த த த ச ய ப லன ய வ ஏஜன ச வ ச ரண நடத த உள ளத .இவ வ வக ரம த டர ப க ச தந த ர வ ச ரண நடத தவ ண ட ம என ற கஷ ம ர ம தல வர உமர அப த ல ல ஹ வல ய ற த த யத த டர ந த என .ஐ.ஏ வ ச ரண க க மத த ய அரச உத தரவ ட ட ள ளத .ஆன ல , அப ஸல க ர வ ற க ந ற வ ற றப பட ட த க க த தண டன க க பழ வ ங கவ ல ய கத த ம க ழ வ னர ம ட ல ல வந தனர என ற ப ய ய த டர ந த ட ல ல ஸ ப ஷல ப ர வ க ற வர க றத .ட ல ல ய ல க ண ட வ ட ப ப ந கழ த த வந த ஹ ஸ ப கம ண டர க ரக ப ர ல வ த த க த ச ய தத க ட ல ல ப ல ஸ க ற க றத .ஆன ல , ல ய கத தங கள ன அன மத ய டன சரணட ய ப க ஸ த ன ல இர ந த வந தத க ஜம ம -கஷ ம ர ப ல ஸ க ற க றத .ல ய கத த ன க ட ம பத த னர ன வ க க ம லங கள ம , கஷ ம ர அரச வசம ள ள ஆவணங கள ம கஷ ம ர ப ல ச ன க ற ற உற த ச ச ய க றத .இச சம பவம க ற த த ட ல ல ஸ ப ஷல ப ர வ மத த ய உள த ற அம ச சகத த டம அற க க சமர ப ப த த ள ளத .ட ல ல ப ல ஸ தனத ம ட வ ம ற ற க க ள ள த பட சத த ல ச தந த ரம ன வ ச ரண நடத த வத தவ ர மத த ய அரச க க வ ற வழ ய ல ல .ல ய கத த ற க க பழ ய ட ல ல ய ல உள ள வ ர ந த னர ம ள க ய ல ஏ.க .56 த ப ப க க ய ம , க ர ன ட கள ம க ண ட வ த த நபர என ற க ற றம ச ட ட ஒர வரத உர வப படத த ய ம ட ல ல ஸ ப ஷல ப ர வ தய ர ச ய த வ த த ள ளத ..
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© 2007 Chris Bray & Clark Carter