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Book Launched - Now Makin' Movies!  A notification of this news item was emailed to subscribers. Click to subscribe!  [17th Nov 10]  See below for comments (3)

Chris and Clark at the book launch - Click for full-size.
Ad for the book on the back of a bus in Sydney - Click for full-size.
Best of ABC content - Click for full-size.
Book on BEST SELLERS table in Borders - Click for full-size.
Clark being filmed for ABCs 730 Report - Click for full-size.

Well it's official - Chriss book has been launched, is now in all good book stores, and is flying off the shelves, just in time for Christmas! Grab your signed copy from our website now (rather than buying from a book store, so we actually get some profit to put towards our next adventures!)

We're so happy to finally have the book to show people what it was like crossing Victoria Island. It's been received really well so far and we're amazed at the amount of publicity the book has generated. We've been interviewed by the Sunrise morning team of Channel 7, had a feature story on the 7:30 Report for ABC, and been on Triple M radio, been in the Sydney Morning Herald and even got into the 'Best of ABC Our picks of unmissable content section of their main website!

Oh and apparently we've got faces like the back of a bus... wait.... we've got our faces ON the back of a bus! That's right, an advertisement for our book is now plastered on the back of hundred's of buses driving around all the major cities around the country. Awesome :)

What next??? Well the pressure is certainly on to get the DOCUMENTARY finished on our expedition. Its going to be awesome, and we've got some really amazing footage that we can't wait to release to the world, but we're still short of cash to finish the job. We still need to pay for colour grading and sound mixing etc, and so were on the hunt for about AU$20,000 to have a fully finished, shinny new doco.

So if you've read the book (nice work by the way Chris), and are now busting to watch the doco, so are we so simply click the 'donate now' button below to donate any amount you wish to the cause! (No, you dont need a PayPal Account, you can just use a credit card)

Or, if you know anybody who has a spare $20,000 lying around, we're willing to take it off their hands :)

In the mean time, WATCH THE 7:30 REPORT interview segment about our trip and the book ONLINE HERE! Its got great new never-seen-before video footage! Well known Aussie adventurer and philanthropist Dick Smith was even interviewed for it! WATCH THE VIDEO HERE, or with a bit of luck it may appear embedded below! Enjoy!

And don't forget to check out the book!


Global Marine Networks provides the satellite email software xGate for all our expeditions. Check it out, it's awesome!Landwide Satellite Solutions provides us with our Iridium 9505A satellite phones & accounts, as well as data adaptors that let us send and receive emails on our Eee PCs via satellite! Sat phones are amazing, and Landwide is the place to get them!We are using the awesome new ASUS Eee PC 900's on this expedition! Solid-state, less than 1kg, Windows XP, perfect!

Our live expedition updates are written on our tiny ASUS Eee PC 900 laptops, and sent via Iridium 9505A satellite phones from Landwide Satellite Solutions, using email compression software xGate from Global mareine Networks! Thanks guys - it's the perfect set up!

17th Nov 10 - Joanne Diver - commented:

Great work... I knew it would be a hit. Bit short on the $20K, but I'm sure that soon, someone with the dosh will come forward, because it will be a great doco - can't wait till the red carpet launch, I'll start shopping for a little black strapless number, love, Joanne
(Offensive Comment?)

2nd Dec 15 - Paulinho - commented:

/salam jenab kardooni.man vaahgen az website ke rah andaze karded kamale tashkoro daram.to beshtare darsam komakam karde.faghat age baraton zahmat nest ye pelane farhangsara ejra nashode baram befrested.bara tarahe2 mekham.fagaht toro khoda zoooooood.bazam azaton tashakor mekonam.kian daneshgah azade hamedan sainar.net پاسخ در تاريخ اسفند ۳م, ۱۳۹۰ ۱۲:۲۴ ق.ظ:سلاممرسی از شما دوست من شما لطف دارید . درخواست شما را بررسی می کنیم . فقط اینکه ما هرچه مطلب داریم در سایت قرار می دیم . اما اجازه بدین اگر پلانی بود که منتشر نکردیم در اختیار شما قرار می دیم. در کل تمامی پلان صرفا برای ایده گرفتن در سایت قرار داده شده
(Offensive Comment?)

2nd Dec 15 - Zayn - commented:

/ba salamtashakor az site fgoholadaton.man terme pisham ham ye kholase mikhastam baram ferestadid vaghan moteshakeram bebakhshida vase in termam pelane chanta farhangsara mikham age zahmati nabashe vasam email konid,mamnon misham vaghan sainar.net پاسخ در تاريخ فروردین ۶م, ۱۳۹۱ ۸:۰۰ ب.ظ:با سلاممرسی از شما نظر لطف شماست خواهش می کنم . تمامی پلان های موجود در سایت درج شده است.لطفا در صورت موجود بودن در سایت دانلود بفرمایید
(Offensive Comment?)

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© 2007 Chris Bray & Clark Carter